11 Incredible Places to Visit in Rajasthan: An Insider’s Guide to the Land of Kings and Queens

Discover the must-see places to visit in Rajasthan with this insider’s guide! Explore majestic forts, palaces and immerse yourself in the rich culture and history of this amazing region!

Places to visit in Rajasthan

Rajasthan is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India, and for good reason! There are so many incredible places to visit in Rajasthan. It’s a state that’s famous for its rich culture and history. You can see that no matter where you go!

This list features the top must-see places to visit in Rajasthan for travelers. If you’re trying to decide which places are right for you, then I hope I can help. These cities offer a wide range of experiences from majestic forts and palaces to serene getaways in nature and beyond.

I first traveled to Rajasthan in 2017 with my family after I moved to India and they came to visit me. We went to Jaipur and I absolutely fell in love! Since then, I’ve made several trips back to Rajasthan to explore new cities and towns, and I still feel like each experience is a new adventure.

This post is all about the best places to visit in Rajasthan.

Best Places to Visit in Rajasthan

#1 Jaipur, The Pink City

Jaipur is the capital city and one of the most popular places to visit in Rajasthan. It’s part of the Golden Triangle, which is a famous route for travelers that includes Delhi, Agra (to see the Taj Mahal) and Jaipur. It’s a lively city that showcases the rich culture and history of Rajasthan. Jaipur definitely a MUST if you’re in the region.

Jaipur is known as the Pink City because many of the buildings are shades of pink. They were actually painted pink in the late 1800’s to welcome people from the British monarchy who were planning to visit. Pink was considered to be the color of hospitality, and then the name stuck!

There are a lot of things to do and see in Jaipur. Most famous are the City Palace, which is still home to Jaipur’s royal family, the Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds), and Amer Fort which is a massive fort just outside the city. It’s also home to the Jantar Mantar which is an old astronomical observatory and UNESCO World Heritage Site because of their advanced skills and knowledge for the time.

Jaipur has such a vibrant culture and you will definitely fall in love with the city once you’re there. It’s lively with lots of markets and huge celebrations during festivals. The city is really a blend of history and modern times, and is absolutely worth taking a few days to explore!


#2 Jodhpur, The Blue City

Jodhpur is another one of the most popular places to visit in Rajasthan with a rich culture and history. It’s much older than Jaipur and has a more rustic feel to it with winding medieval streets. While it’s also a well-known tourist destination, it’s not as famous or as crowded as Jaipur.

Jodhpur is known as the Blue City because many of the buildings are also painted with shades of blue. It’s any photographer’s dream! There are a lot of ideas about why everything is blue, like that it helps to keep homes cool, keeps out insects like mosquitoes, and also because many people from the Brahmin caste (the highest caste) used blue which symbolically was connected to royalty.

The city has a rich history full of beautiful architecture. Some of the most iconic places in the city include the Umaid Bhawan Palace, which is one of the world’s largest private residences and part of it now is a luxury hotel and museum. It’s also home to the Mehrangarh Fort which is a huge fort that sits above the city on the edge of the desert.

Jodhpur is a beautiful destination for travelers looking to experience the culture and learn about the history of Rajasthan! There’s also some seriously amazing food here and lots of markets for shopping.

#3 Udaipur, The City of Lakes

Udaipur is a picturesque city in Rajasthan which is famous for its palaces, culture and lakes, hence the nickname, City of Lakes. It has a rich history of royalties which is common to many places in Rajasthan. It’s known for being a really beautiful city and is a popular destination especially for weddings and honeymoons.

One of the main attractions in Udaipur is Lake Pichola which is an artificial lake made in the 14th century. It’s a huge lake with two islands and palaces. You definitely have to take a boat ride while you’re there and sunset is a stunning time for beautiful views!

The other famous thing to do there is to visit the City Palace which is a massive complex. There’s also a museum there where you can see various artifacts and learn more about the kingdom’s history. Jagdish Temple and Sahelioyn-ki-Bari, a garden originally made for a queen, are also nice places to visit in the city.


#4 Jaisalmer, The Golden City

Jaisalmer is one of the top places to visit in Rajasthan and is a city located in the desert. It’s famously called the Golden City because much of the architecture is made with yellow sandstone. It’s a truly beautiful city and the fact that it’s in the desert makes it all the more impressive.

The main draw to the city is the Jaisalmer Fort. A large number of people in the city still live in the fort today, unlike most other forts around Rajasthan. Within the fort are houses, temples, shops, temples and of course the royal palace.

Jaisalmer is famous for it’s desert culture and rich history. There are many famous elaborately designed buildings around the city from rich merchants of the past. You can also take a day trip to Sam Sand Dunes just outside the city for desert camping, camel safaris and cultural performances. It’s a fun place to visit, especially if you have already seen other cities in Rajasthan and are looking for something different.

#5 Pushkar, a town full of temples

Pushkar is a small town in Rajasthan that’s most famous for its spirituality and religious significance. There are many temples and it’s most famous for the sacred Pushkar Lake. It’s one of the most sacred Hindu sites in India and pilgrims come to bathe or perform rituals. Even though I’m not religious, it was still a beautiful experience. 

The most famous temple in Pushkar is the Brahma Temple which is one of the few temples dedicated to Brahma in the world. Brahma is known as the creator of the universe in Hindu religion. It’s definitely worth visiting the temple if you travel to Pushkar!

Pushkar isn’t a big city but there are a lot of nice markets to explore. You can find cute handicrafts, jewelry, textiles and leather goods. There’s also a lot of places to find good food. Overall, it’s a lot more laid back than the other big cities in Rajasthan.

#6 Bikaner, a unique desert city

Bikaner is another small city in the desert, but not with the same desert lifestyle as places like Jaiselmer. It’s towards the north of Rajasthan and is a historic city. It used to be an important trade center for caravans going between India and other parts of Asia.

The main attractions include Junagarh Fort which is at the center of the city, and Lalgarh Palace. The architecture of both and all over the city in general is really beautiful. It’s also home to some famous snacks like Bikaneri Bhujia.

Bikaner also became famous because they host an annual Camel Festival in January. It’s a big deal with camel races, cultural performances and people coming from all over the world. They actually have a huge research center dedicated to camels in Bikaner.

Although not technically in Bikaner (30 km away), there’s also a super unique temple named the Karni Mata Temple. It’s famous for the population of rats that live there. The rats are considered sacred and actually worshiped by devotees. It was one of the most unique temples I have seen in India!

#7 Chittorgarh, home to the largest fort in India

If you haven’t realized by now, there are so many forts across Rajasthan. BUT, Chittorgarh is home to the largest fort in all of India! It’s literally huge – 700 acres. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is full of a ton of history.

The Chittorgarh Fort is on top of a hill and has a huge wall around the outside. Inside there’s several palaces, gates, temples and towers. It’s actually really remarkable how huge it is and there’s a lot you can explore. They have a sound and light show in the evenings too that narrates stories about the fort and is definitely worth going to.

Overall, Chittorgarh is most notable for the fort and the history of the city. It’s one of the top destinations in Rajasthan for travelers and if you have the time to explore the state, I’d recommend checking it out!

best time to visit Rajasthan

#8 Ranthambore, a wildlife destination

Ranthambore National Park is one of the best places to visit in Rajasthan for travelers who want a wildlife experience. It used to be hunting grounds for royalty, but it was turned into a wildlife sanctuary in the 1950’s. It’s a beautiful place to see the natural landscape and the animals that inhabit the land.

You can’t stay inside the park, but there are a lot of hotels nearby that will also help to arrange safaris. It’s also typically closed July – September because of the monsoon season.

One of the biggest draws to the park is that they have invested a lot of time and resources in protecting the endangered Bengal Tigers. If you take a safari, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to spot one! There’s also a lot of other animals like leopards, sloths, wild boars, and a ton of different kinds of birds.

Inside the park there is also the Ranthambore Fort which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There’s a lot of temples, mosques and tombs there, but one of the best aspects is that if you go up it you can get a panoramic view of the park. Seriously beautiful!

#9 Mount Abu, Rajasthan’s only hill station

Of all the different places to visit in Rajasthan, Mount Abu is like the lush green gem among the deserts! It’s the only hill station in the whole state and has a completely different atmosphere than any other place in the state. It’s near the Gujarat border and has a higher elevation, so it’s a big draw for tourists (especially because it’s cooler than other desert cities!)

Mount Abu is a town that’s really a getaway for travelers and locals. There’s lush green forests and diverse biolife. One of the most beautiful spots is Nakki Lake which lies surrounded by hills. You can go boating there or just sit around and enjoy the beauty.

There are also some ancient temples and a wildlife sanctuary where you can do safaris. You can also walk to Guru Shikhar peak which is the highest point in Mount Abu. You’ll find the most picturesque views there overlooking the surrounding area!

Mount Abu is the perfect destination if you want an escape from the desert heat! It’s super laid back and relaxed. It’s ideal to unwind there for a few days and soak in nature.

#10 Kumbhalgarh, home to the “Great Wall of India”

Kumbhalgarh is another historic city in Rajasthan that’s famous for its fort and rich history. The biggest attraction is the massive wall surrounding the fortress. It’s the second largest continuous wall in the world after the Great Wall of China. Hence, it has the nickname “Great Wall of India.”

Inside the fort there are over 300 temples and you can get a panoramic view of the Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary nearby. It’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of the important role the fort played historically. There’s also palaces and a light and sound show in the evening where you can hear stories about the region.

In a lot of ways, I found Kumbhalgarh to be similar to Chittorgarh (where the largest fort is). I think the major differences were that Chittorgarh is more historical with monuments and museums, and Kumbhalgarh has a lot of history but also wildlife you can explore. Kumbhalgarh is also much less crowded so it was a more relaxed place to visit.

#11 Bharatpur, perfect for bird and nature lovers

Bharatpur is most famous for the Keoladeo Ghana National Park. It used to be known as a bird sanctuary and is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s one of the world’s most important bird breeding and feeding grounds, so it’s really perfect for any bird lovers!

During the winter, there are a lot of migratory birds that come to the park which attracts tourists as well. Aside from the national park, the city also has a rich history with various monuments you can visit. The Lohagarh Fort is probably the main attraction.

Bharatpur is located outside of Agra towards Jaipur, so it can be an easy stop for people traveling along the Golden Triangle. It’s a beautiful place to visit and worth seeing if you’ll be nearby and are interested in seeing some nature.

This post was all about places to visit in Rajasthan.

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